While it is recommended that you wait until your 6 week check up to return to strength training and cardio workouts, gentle movement is key to early postpartum recovery. Mobility and gentle core activation can help alleviate the soreness and stiffness that often comes with those first couple weeks postpartum. The following 5 exercises are safe enough to perform as soon as you feel ready, but always consult with your provider regarding extenuating circumstances that may required extended rest periods.
- Sidelying TA Contractions
- Setup
- Begin lying on your side with your knees bent and your top hand resting on your stomach, with your fingers just inside your hip bone.
- Movement
- Exhale to tighten your abdominals, pulling your navel in toward your spine and up like you are zippering up your pants. You should feel your stomach hollow under your fingers under your fingers. Hold this position, then relax and repeat.
- Open Book
- Setup
- Begin lying on your side with your legs stacked on top of each other and bent at 90 a degree angle, and your arms straight on the ground together.
- Movement
- Slowly move your top arm away from your other arm, toward the floor on the other side, rotating your trunk at the same time.
- Chin Tucks
- Setup
- Begin sitting in an upright position with your feet flat on the floor.
- Movement
- Gently draw your chin in, while keeping your eyes fixed on something in front of you.
- Quadruped Diaphragmatic Breathing
- Setup
- Begin on all fours with your head looking straight down between your hands.
- Movement
- Breathe into your stomach allowing you breath to travel down to your pelvic floor, then exhale and repeat.
- Cat Cow
- Setup
- Begin on all fours with your arms directly under your shoulders and knees bent 90 degrees.
- Movement
- Slowly round your back up toward the ceiling, then let it sag down to the floor while looking up, and repeat.
If you are interested in a comprehensive postpartum recovery program to reconnect with your core & pelvic floor and get back your strength, the Raise with Strength – Postpartum Course is made for you!
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